DoorCo Composite Doors Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire

DoorCo Composite doors in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire

DoorCo doors are a stylish and modern composite with up to 45+ different designs in 55+ colours to choose from. The DoorCo door has a thermal performance rating of a B, which for a door is excellent. DoorCo take security very seriously. All composite doors come with security features that comply with current and future standards. They offer multiple locking engagements such as the slam shut lock option and the heritage locking systems.

DoorCo has 3 types of collections to choose from when searching for a design.

The Traditional collection offer a composite replica of the most popular door designs throughout the years. They are a collection that is fit for any type of house.

The Contemporary collection offer a more modern approach to the composite. They also offer a stainless steel frame option in this collection.

Lastly, the Designer collection is a premium twist to a selection of the contemporary doors. They are glazed using the DoorCo FLiP cassette and upon inspection you will notice the door slab has a flat grain compared to the original wooden grain they offer.

Give a call today to discuss your need for DoorCo doors – we’re happy to help – 01773 712001.

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